One of the most exciting milestones for any business is moving from a garage or a spare bedroom to a fully functioning office. However as exciting as this is it's important to realise that it does come with its own challenges. 

From ensuring that the space is ready for people to making sure that logistics are handled, the move can quickly become overwhelming if not properly planned. To make your office relocation as stress free as possible, we've got some tips for a successful move.

Ensure accessibility. One of the very first things that you should be checking when moving into your new office is that it's accessible. Whether that's with a good solid commercial railing outside for your employees to use, or you have ramps and lifts to allow people in wheelchairs and with mobility aids to get in and out, you need to ensure accessibility from the moment you move in. Multi-storey buildings should always have railings around the stairs or the ramps and you should also ensure that the building itself meets local accessibility codes.

  • Plan ahead. You want the move to go smoothly, so planning ahead is a must. You want to give your team plenty of time to organise and prepare for this transition. Create a timeline for the move and list out the milestones that you need to hit, such as the final date in your old space, the packing, and moving process. You should also keep your employees in the loop when it comes to moving, because there's every chance they may need to either relocate or move to a new role depending on where you're going. Planning well in advance helps you to avoid any last minute hiccups.

  • Don't forget to communicate. Not only do you need to communicate with your employees, but you need to communicate with your key stakeholders and customers. If there's going to be a move, people need to know about it well in advance so that they can plan for it too. Ask for employee feedback on the new space, because their comfort is going to be key in keeping the best people around. Addressing any concerns ahead of time can help to ensure that the office is conducive to productivity, especially once the move is complete.

  • Consider your new office layout. You need the space to be efficiently laid out for productivity and efficiency reasons. Think about the needs of both your employees, and the flow of the traffic within the office. How do you want to best maximise the available space? Meeting rooms, and whether your office furniture needs to be rearranged to create a more collaborative environment is your concern.

  • Update your business information. You can update your Business Contact information after the move. Ask your IT team to help you with changing your business website address, business cards and email signatures. Notify your clients, partners, suppliers, and employees about any moves and make sure that you've redirected any inventory post. You should also ensure that your new office is equipped with all of the necessary services and tools to support your operations.

This is a significant event for your business. With the right strategy and preparation, you can make this process much smoother. Prioritise accessibility and make sure to let everybody know what's happening. This is an exciting opportunity for you to create a more efficient and welcoming environment, so congratulations!

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